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Adoption of the Member Protection Policy of the Australian Fencing Federation

The Trott Park Fencing Club, as a recognised entity of the Australian Fencing Federation through its affiliation with Fencing SA, adopts in its entirety the Member Protection Policy (as in force from time to time) of the Australian Fencing Federation which can be found at https://ausfencing.org.

Relevant legislation

The relevant legislation in South Australia is the Children’s Protection Act 1993.


Trott Park Fencing Club aims to provide a positive and encouraging environment where children can take part in an activity feeling safe and free from any form of bullying, harassment or abuse. A child safe and child friendly environment where children are respected, valued and encouraged to reach their full potential, contributing to children having fun, developing skills and feeling safe. Everyone involved in Trott Park Fencing Club has a responsibility to care for and protect any children who participate in the Club’s activities. This policy demonstrates the strong commitment of the Trott Park Fencing Club to the safety, protection and wellbeing of children, plus establishing and maintaining child safe and child friendly environments. The policy meets the requirements of the Children’s Protection Act 1993. The Trott Park Fencing Club, in adopting the Member Protection Policy of the Australian Fencing Federation (as published on the website of the Australian Fencing Federation):

  • has a policy that identifies, assesses and takes steps to minimise and prevent risk of harm to children because of the action of an employee, volunteer or another child
  • has a documented child safe environment policy that outlines the commitment of the Trott Park Fencing Club to children’s well-being and safety
  • has a child safe environment policy supported by guidelines and procedures relevant to our specific fencing activities
  • has a child safe environment policy and associated procedures that have been communicated to all relevant persons (such as staff, contractors, volunteers, members, families and children)
  • has a child safe environment policy with codes of conduct for adults and children – including for coaches, officials, players/athletes, administrators (volunteers), officials, parents and spectators 
  • knows its obligation to conduct criminal history assessments on staff, contractors and volunteers who are working with children in prescribed positions, as required by section 8B of the Children’s Protection Act 1993
  • has procedures for assessing and dealing with criminal history information where this information is required by law. The policy and procedures comply with the Child Safe Environments: Standards for dealing with criminal history information of employees and volunteers working with children
  • has a procedure for recruiting suitable staff, contractors and volunteers to work with children that includes, as a minimum, a DCSI screening check every three years
  • actively supports and supervises staff, contractors and volunteers
  • provides training and development opportunities for staff, contractors and volunteers to maintain their knowledge of child protection and child safe environments
  • actively encourages the participation and involvement of children and young people (where appropriate).

As part of this commitment, the Trott Park Fencing Club and the Australian Fencing Federation will take disciplinary action against any person or organisation bound by this policy if they breach it. The Australian Fencing Federation and the Trott Park Fencing Club have a duty of care to ensure that all children are provided with a high level of safety and protection during club programs, free from harm, violence, inappropriate behaviour, bad language, mental and physical abuse. The Club is committed to providing a child safe environment during:

  • club nights
  • training
  • individual lessons
  • fundraisers
  • competitions
  • visits to other clubs
  • camps
  • other Club related activities.

Safe protective behaviour

  • All children who come to our Club have a right to feel and be safe. We are committed to the safety and well-being of all children and young people accessing our services and this will always be our first priority.
  • Children learn through example and role modelling and this is an important strategy in teaching children about protective behaviours. Offensive language, swearing, abusive behaviour and off-colour jokes are not permitted.
  • An adult (parent, carer, guardian or club member) must be present during individual lessons between a child and a coach.
  • Children are to be escorted by an adult into and from the gymnasium of the Sheidow Park Primary School and other locations as defined above.
  • Where practical, an adult will accompany a child to the toilet.
  • If parents are running late in picking up their child after training, in the first instance they are to contact the coach on mobile telephone 0410 873 495. 
  • Two committee members (who have a working with children screening satisfactory to the Committee) will stay with the child until the parent arrives.
  • Should there be any element of doubt concerning the integrity of a person picking up a child, a committee member must contact the parent immediately.
  • A parent may give written permission for their child to be transported by another adult to and/or from the locations defined above in a private vehicle.

Policy display

This policy will be displayed on the Club’s website and referenced on the Club’s flyer.

Staff, contractors and volunteers must notify the Child Abuse Report Line on 13 14 78 as soon as practicable if they have a reasonable suspicion that a child has been or is being abused or neglected. 

Last edited on 4th November, 2018